Friday, November 20, 2009

ACHILLES a great hero of the trojan war...

Achilles... We know Achilles is a great hero and one of the major character of the book Iliad. He is a king, the handsomest hero of them all. He is a big part of the trojan war.
From the first lines of the Iliad "sing, goddess, of the rage, of Peleus' son Achilles the accursed rage, which brought pain to thousands of the Acheans." taken from the

As i emphasize the Iliad chapter 9, a focus to Achilles as a king. Let me summarize it a little.

It was war, the Aheans set back to thier ship depressed. Agamemnon: sad and said that they failed and insist that they all go home to thier land but Diomedes refused wanted to stay and fight until the end. Then Nestor stood up and said that they should talk to Achilles to reconcile with them. Agamemnon approved so he send his best troops to talk to Ahilles with gifts. But as they had talk to Achilles, Ahilles rejected it and wanted to go home and stay with thier family in peace unlike if he stays he will die but honorable. so the Achean troops set back and unsuccessful.

As I answer the question what king is Achilles I said to my self that in some way I am like him in some activity in or outside the school. I don't like to be punish or be killed to shame. I want to have a peaceful life but in life we cannot set aside the destiny of the life that is given to us by God.

Achilles as a king he is a coward but we cannot blame him for he don't want to die but in thier time to be killed in to war is the highest honor given to them. i can say that Achilles is a king that has mind of his own but in what he said that he want to go home it is also a great opportunity to his people who lived so we can say that he is a understanding person.
Thats what I thought about Achilles in Book 9 of the Iliad.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Book 1

I found this in its book 1 of the iliad where i got the info for the Question no. 1...

Have a Nice Day

Stubbornness of Heart

"Achilles, you're a fine man, like a god. But don't conceal whats in your heart. You'll not trick me or win me with your words..." from the book of Iliad translated by Ian Johnston.

Stubbornness of heart, a selfish being, keeps things for himself like King Agamemnon. From the first book of the Iliad we saw Achilles came to the stubborn King to please him but the insatiable king did not consider him and take another prize. Archilles also went there to respectfully ask for the freedom of Chryseis but Agamemnon ask for another prize from the Acheans, what a selfish creature! "I have others around to honour me, especially all wise Zeus himself..." Agamemnon said to Achilles. Agamemnon think that he is the only man that have a right to be honored by Zeus or the other men. He wants to be honored by men that don't want something, he only want the honour for himself. Because of this Achilles wants to kill Agamemnon because of his selfishness. There Nestor said that can prove that King Agamemnon is Stubborn Heart when he said "the king whose powerful authority comes from Zeus, never shares his honours equally..." Another to prove is when he wants Briseis by his hand, he want Briseis for himself. Agamemnon is always praying to Zeus, why can't he do it from himself? there is one thing that pop out in my mind, in Roman Catholic there is the saying "God has the power to Help but the men should do thier part" but Agamemnon always pray to the gods buthe his efforts is to limitted. When Athena said to Achilles that "fight Agamemnon with swords so he become disgrace... gifts three greater than this girl will be set down before you." if Agamemnon wants to fight then fight so that he will know the right. Achilles will have time and more graces if he obey and control himself.

"You drunken slot, dog-eyed coward, timid as deer. You're never strong enough within yourself..." Achilles said to Agamemnon. Agamemnon is a coward creature because he always depend on his herald and to Zeus, he always think that he will not be harmed but he is weak. Just I remember that a spoiled brat depends on his things and his protectors. Agamemnon is weak for he is a king that depends on his surrounding, a dependent stubborn being.

When Agamemnon wants or needs is not followed he always get mad. Just like a spoiled brat, it always want thing for himself he don't want to share and if the things he want is not bought or given he always cry, rebel, and sometimes tried to kill himself.