Sunday, December 20, 2009


A tragedic DEATH of Hector a mighty warrior, a loving husband, and a father. HEcTOr...

In the chapter 16 of the Iliad this was the part that Patroclus borrowed the body armor of Achilles to fight in the war because of Achilles not wanting to join the war.

When He began to fight, he encountered Hector, but Hector killed him and then Hector got the Armor and used it.

from the yahoo images...
This drawing is insired by a passage in the Iliad, in which Achilles refuses to fight in the Trojan War (his band of warriors are prevented from fighting, too) because he was personally offended by one of the other Greek leaders. His beloved friend Patroklos, in order to rally to tiring and failing Greek army, dons Achilles’ armor and leads them into battle. He is thus killed. Achilles is grief stricken over the results of his selfishness. This drawing, then, is the moment he rushes to the body of his dead friend, and The Mask of Grief and War is born. It may also be noted that this is a self-portrait as well.

For me its a stupid thing to get the armor of the enemy but in real life, in the movie, after killing the enemy the character will get the weapon or the things that will help him defeat the enemy. But in the case of the exchanging of armors its a creative or wise desition because it will lead the enemy to the wrong path but in the case of the story.

When Hector retreated and saw the other trojans killed by Patroclus he went and tried to save them. When Patroclus speared Sarpedon the both side of the enemies fight for the sake of that armor. Then Hector killed Patroclus and got the armor, and wore it.

The in the next chapters, emphasizing in chapter 22. Hector were the only left Trojan warrior in the war field for he let the warrior camp and rest for that night. When he gone around the wall, he saw his friend Deiphobus as a disguise of Athena to trick him that she said that they could take Achilles and win the war. When Achillies and Hector fight, Hector went back to his friend but he could not find him and knew that the gods tricked him. Due to his anger he ran to Achillies and tried to kill him but Achilles Took over and kill Hector for he knows the weekest point of the armor due that the armor is his, so Hector is DEAD.

Is a tragedy. So if i could rewrite this and change one of this part i would pick, when Hector wore the armor of achilles because in fact he has his own armor. Its like common sence when the enemy knows the secret he can kill you whenever he wants. in this case he should not were it and fight Achilles with his own things. One thing he knew that the armor is Achillies' so he should think the bad effects of wearing it.

In ending of this story Hector would kill Achilles. After killing Achilles he could have revenge to the gods. I know its a hard stuff to fight the gods because of thier powers but in fact he had been tricked. In fact i always asking that why the gods are involve in the war as in the will fight in person. (correction this will not reflect how I see God the Father help us in our needs) Its a war of person i only know they can help by guiding them in the right way. so when Hector had revenge with Athena, he can live in peace with his family and request for the end and no more war in the world.

1 comment:

  1. Score: 24
    I was able to get the chapter that you wanted to address. However, towards the end, it seemed blurred. Maybe you could have slowly enumerated the causes and effects of your story so that it would be clearer/.

    Sir Migs
